A Post About The Post!

John Kelly, of the Washington Post, is my new best friend. You bet he is, after the piece he penned. And the 'haters' among you are going to love him too. For his first hysterically funny take on Marmite was followed by a sizzling 'mea culpa'. Then to top it all the Post ran - among all the serious issues of the day - a letter about the eruption of the Marmite War.  Here is an extract from the first column ... Marmite, an English condiment that is perhaps the foulest compound legally sold for human consumption...I took a bite and immediately felt as if I'd been hit in the face by an ocean wave, a wave befouled by oil from a sinking tanker, oil that had caused a die-off of marine birds and invertebrates, creatures whose decomposing bodies were adding to the general funkiness of the wave that had found its way inside my mouth....Talk about a Marmite-novice getting it! John was introduced to the black-goo when he came to the Capitol Hill launch. And he kindly gave Marvelous Market (see previous post) a good mention. Read the article: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/11/29/AR2009112902361.html This was followed by this: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/12/02/AR2009120203660.html and this is the letter: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/12/03/AR2009120304304.html?sub=AR

This Market is Marvelous

Marvelous Market, on Capitol Hill, Washington, DC, is being totally marvelous (that's 'marvellous' in Brit-English). They have a wonderful display - of Marmite and the book. And a great sign explaining that I'm  a local resident and pointing out, to those who have no clue what it is all about, that the book is a 'primer' for those attempting to brush-up on their anglophile tendencies. Seth, the owner of MM, has valiantly tried the black-goo - to test the 'horror' he's inflicting on unsuspecting customers - but so far, is not a covert. Good for him that his personal experience has not put him off supporting me!

Thanks to the 'Daughters'

The book is winning recognition all over the place. How about the great plug given by the DBE - ie The Daughters' of the British Empire. It's a US organisation that has chapters coast-to-coast. I was taken by the fact that the Louisanna branch has a page devoted to Marmite. Which is why The DBE ended up in the book. In return they have kindly written about Mish-Mash. Go to: http://www.dbeinla.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=195&Itemid=236

This Says It All!

One of Britain's most popular and entertaining food blogs is written by Msmarmitelover....she operates The Undergound, a pioneer and leader in the new 'illegal' at-home fine-dining establishments. Msmarmitelover - whom has to stay anonymous so her home-restaurant, in Kilburn, North London, doesn't get busted by the red-tape cops - has written a glowing review (on: http://theenglishcaneat.blogspot.com/2009/11/marmite-stock.html). It reads:

In recent weeks I've been sent two books: The Bumper book of Marmite and The Mish Mash dictionary of Marmite. The first is modelled on a kid's annual. It has comics, games, puzzles and a few recipes. It's bit of a gimmicky book, out for the Christmas market. There was obviously a large budget but I don't know why they bothered. Aside from some good recipes from Signe Johansen, there are weak jokes and pointless artwork. I've bought some really amusing annuals in the past, Monty Python and AliG for instance, but this just doesn't cut it. It's all form and no content. I wouldn't say I hated it, but I don't love it.

The Mish Mash dictionary of Marmite at £8.99 lacks the gloss but is rather more interesting for genuine fans of the brown stuff. For a start, I'm mentioned in it under 'U' for Underground Restaurant! Writer Maggie Hall has put in lots of fascinating anecdotes and has obviously spent time researching the all-important subject of Marmite.
Under 'internet' there are more than 430,000 entries if you google 'Marmite'. Under 'C' you will see that cats love Marmite. Under 'J' for jewellery she mentions Rachel Sherman who sells Marmite jewellery (pictured above) on etsy and her own site. Paul A Young's wonderful marmite and chocolate truffles have an entry under 'Y'. This is to name but a few entries...you could spend hours reading this book...love it!
Thanks, Msmarmitelover!

Ex-Pats Ahoy!

The word about Mish-Mash is spreading!  Around the world - thanks to the British Expats Directory. It's run by Mike Rose, who lives in Thailand and he's posted a great piece about the book. Also an interview with me. So if you're a Brit in Oz and you find a book in your Christmas stocking from a Brit pal in Canada, you know who's responsible. Check-out this informative and fun (bit like Mish-Mash actually) website: http://www.britishexpatsdirectory.com/

And English-speakers in Germany have now been introduced to Mish-Mash. ESC - English Speaking Cologne ( http://english-speaking-cologne.blogspot.com/) - has posted a piece, detailing a couple of the fascinating Marmite German-links. Its highlighted one from the very start of Marmite to pin-pointing absolutely the latest news about a German Marmite alternative, that is very popular in Britain.  From the 'Beginnings' entry it mentions how the brilliant chemist Baron Justus von Liebig (he of OXO fame) joined forces with Louis Pasteur to make edible sense out of the beery-yeast mess. The up-to-date reference is to Vitam-R,  the German yeast-extract - that has launched a maple-syrup laced version (that is soooo good.) Another German reference is the one to steamy-novelist, Danielle Steel. Her German grandfather came up with the formula for Vegex - the American Marmite.

An Independent View!

Cracked it! Now Mish-Mash has gone media national. The Independent (of London) carried a feature exploring the way in which Marmite is the flavour of the moment. The article - a terrific read, splendidly written by Holly Williams - underlines the original thought that prompted the book: what the heck is going on here? It talks about the Marmite Shop in London's poshest retail strip, ie Regent Street (it's a Pop-Up spot that opened early November for 10 weeks) and mentions Unilever's 'official' Marmite book, but - I am happy and proud to relate - concentrates largely on  Mish-Mash. And the Indie's interest had me flying high metaphorically - as I was literally flying at 36,000 feet. Picked-up the newspaper just as I boarded my trans-Atlantic flight back to DC. Read the article at:   http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/food-and-drink/features/marmite-its-spreading-all-over-1823086.htm