Ex-Pats Ahoy!

The word about Mish-Mash is spreading!  Around the world - thanks to the British Expats Directory. It's run by Mike Rose, who lives in Thailand and he's posted a great piece about the book. Also an interview with me. So if you're a Brit in Oz and you find a book in your Christmas stocking from a Brit pal in Canada, you know who's responsible. Check-out this informative and fun (bit like Mish-Mash actually) website: http://www.britishexpatsdirectory.com/

And English-speakers in Germany have now been introduced to Mish-Mash. ESC - English Speaking Cologne ( http://english-speaking-cologne.blogspot.com/) - has posted a piece, detailing a couple of the fascinating Marmite German-links. Its highlighted one from the very start of Marmite to pin-pointing absolutely the latest news about a German Marmite alternative, that is very popular in Britain.  From the 'Beginnings' entry it mentions how the brilliant chemist Baron Justus von Liebig (he of OXO fame) joined forces with Louis Pasteur to make edible sense out of the beery-yeast mess. The up-to-date reference is to Vitam-R,  the German yeast-extract - that has launched a maple-syrup laced version (that is soooo good.) Another German reference is the one to steamy-novelist, Danielle Steel. Her German grandfather came up with the formula for Vegex - the American Marmite.

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to post about the book on ESC.
    Could send me some info?
