Here are extracts from reviews, posted on book-selling sites, blogs etc...
* The dictionary is full of amazing facts, tidbits, folklore

* This is a fun book assuming you have any interest in Marmite...   Hall is a good writer and the alphabetized 'mish-mash' works better than I would have imagined....

* The sun may have dimmed a bit on the once mighty British Empire, but its legacy lives on in weird and wonderful ways. One of the most widespread is the iconic spread of gooey black concentrated yeast extract known as "Marmite.".....  a delightfully funny book about this little wonder..... filled with wonderful historical stories and bizarre lore, it is a great read....

* I purchased it for a friend spending Christmas with us....he is from Australia...and knows how I do not appreciate his local spread, Vegemite....so we had a good laugh with this fun book

* Now I know what I would do with Marmite: use it for fish bait and to murder garden slugs. Maggie Hall's book consistently rewards the reader with tasty tidbits. I can't wait for the movie version!

* ... full of fascinating and fun facts. It's a surprising blend of product info, history, recipes, cartoons and reasons for brand loyalty or loathing. What a grand tour of the British psyche and sense of humor...
... even for those  (like me) who can't stomach the stuff, this book is a treat.... delightfully written and cleverly illustrated...
* ...to say it is crammed with information would be an understatement! There is just so much in here, from the factual  to the farcical ... you can pick this book up and start anywhere from A to Z to find out something you didn't know... I have a new respect for that jar in my kitchen cupboard!
* ... like it or lump it, my lot will be getting a copy of this gem of a book in their stockings this yuletide...
*  It's the perfect gift for Christmas, but it is also an ideal book for dipping into, at any time...  buyers, or recipients, will keep it beside their bed, or in the bathroom, maybe for ever...

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